If you know me, you know I love bubbles more than any other adult beverage and if those bubbles are not only good but also pink, I’m in heaven. They did get me into “trouble” one night, though. I met a couple of girlfriends for dinner after a particularly awful day at work. It turned out they’d also had awful days at work so we ordered a good bottle of pink bubbles with our meal. Sometime in the middle of the second bottle, we decided that a trip to London was in order!
Not only did we plan that trip that night, we actually went and it was one of the most fun trips I’ve had. The night of that dinner ended not only with a lot of laughter, but also the anticipation of something to look forward to. I think that the spontaneity of the planning was a big part of the fun for all of us. We still talk about that night and those two bottles!